In The Drowned Giant by J.G. Ballard, A dead giant washed up on shore on a regular town. At first, the townspeople were very curious and were hesitant about going to see what it was, but then they gradually got more curious to the point where they got the courage to got up close to it. The story gets weird when the dead giant has been there for a while and the townspeople begin to feel like it just normal. The Narrator goes to see it every now and then and he begins to notice that some of the body parts from the giant are gone.
The writer is exploring mind experiments through the idea of messing with what we think is normal. For example, at the end of the story, he sees the giant's body parts scattered around town and everyone is just ok with that, which is definitely not normal.
An implication of this idea for today is first-person shooter video games. When these types of games first came out and younger kids started getting curious and wanting to play these games, parents freaked out because it was not normal for a kid to shoot people. Years have past and its become normal for kids to play these types of games, but its not normal. Even though it's become second nature to many kids to play these violent games, it still doesn't make it age appropriate.
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